الاثنين، 10 أغسطس 2009

Natural recipes and masks for beautiful hair.

Hi, today I bring to you some hair masks you can do it at home with simple, natural ingredients you can find in your kitchen.

Olive oil mask:
Mix 5 medium table spoon with 2 eggs , but it in your hair and make nice massage to your hair then cover the hair with plastic wrap or achour cap , leave the mask for a15 minuets then wash it good

Honey and olive oil mask
Mix 2 medium table spoon of honey with 3 medium table spoon of olive oil ,but it on the hair with a nice massage and then cover the hair with plastic wrap or achour cap and leave it for 15 minuets ,then wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask for clean the hair and make it chine:
After you wash your hair with shampoo pot a cup of lemon jous or a cup of vinegar ,and massage your hair then wash it with water and but hair conditioner and wash your hair ,repeat this mask every 2 or 3 weeks .

Recipes for shiny hair
Mix 1 orange juice with a spoonful of honey with a medium-6 drops of sandalwood oil but them on the hair
For a quarter of an hour before washing it
Mix 2 eggs with a medium spoon of milk but it on the hair and leave it for 6 minutes .
Mix 2 medium tablespoons of apple vinegar with 3 cups of water a light massage to the hair, and then wash the hair.

To treat the damaged hair:
Mix 1banana with a spoonful of almond oil, make alit massage to the hair and leave it for a quarter of an hour
Then wash it with the shampoo and then with the condition.

Dry hair:
A spoonful of honey with half glass of milk, but the mix on the hair for a quarter or half an hour and then wash the texture with shampoo and the hair conditioner.

Mix 1eggs with 1 banana with a quarter cup of honey and 3 medium spoons of milk with 5 medium spoons of olive oil ,and pot it on the hair for a quarter of an hour and then wash it .

For the hair fall:
Use castor oil, hoping to reduce the precipitation.
Try diet high in protein, green vegetables rich in fiber, carrots, mango, dried apricots
Whole grain.

For softern hair:
make lotion after shampoo, Mix a spoonful of honey with1 liter of water, use it after washing your hair with shampoo, and then wash the hair

Hair brushing:
1) don’t use the brush that made of steel on the wet hair

2) to comb the wet hair Use brush with a large tooth, brushing from the ends of the hair to the to the roots (but be aware of brushing the roots to avoid falling of the hair.

3) The short-hair brush, use the circular brush that used with the hair drier.

4) Use the flexible hair brush for the average hair

5) for the thick long hair use the long tooth brush.

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